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This woman in her late-20s returns to Dr Arthur Tjandra of Elixir de Vie for the 3rd time, even during Covid-19 pandemic, as she simply loves her liposuction results! This is especially because she opts to get one side of her body done each time, so that she can actually compare the pre- and post-operative sides of her body side-by-side, with her own eyes, without having to be worried that she might be looking at Photoshopped results! During this visit, you can watch videos showing pre- and post-liposuction arms, thighs, calves and ankles, all in the same person. If only ALL patients were like her! As an artist, Dr Arthur Tjandra of Elixir de Vie would love to have more patients like this, where he could showcase his great work of arts by allowing his audience to view both pre- and post-liposuction result, side by side, in the same person.

She has produced a blog to document her liposuction journey: Mon Petite Journal de Lipo.

This is a list of her case studies:

First visit:

Patient No. 526, Session 1: Thunder thighs liposuction on a slim woman

Second visit:

Patient No. 526: Result of left thigh liposuction, 3 months later

Patient No. 526, Session 2: A slim, petite, young woman with “butterfly arms”

Patient No. 526, Session 2: Left calf and ankle liposuction

Third visit:

Patient No. 526: Result of left arm liposuction, 7 months later

Patient No. 526: Result of left thigh liposuction, 10 months later

Patient No. 526: Result of left calf and ankle liposuction, 7 months later

Patient No. 526, Session 3: Right arm and right thigh liposuction

Fourth visit:

Patient No. 526: Result of right arm liposuction, 3 months later, and left arm liposuction, 10 months later

Patient No. 526: Result of right thigh liposuction, 3 months later, and left thigh liposuction, 1 year later

Patient No. 526: Result of left calf and ankle liposuction, 10 months later

Patient No. 526, Session 4: Abdominal liposuction

Video 16: Result of left arm liposuction, 7 months later

Video 17: Result of left arm liposuction, 7 months later

Liposuction Case Studies @ Elixir de Vie

Before and After Surgery Photos @ Elixir de Vie

Whole Body Transformation with Liposuction and Fat Transfer Breasts and Buttocks Augmentation

Elixir de Vie Patients’ Blogs

10 Comments on “Patient No. 526: Result of left arm liposuction, 6 months later

  1. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of left thigh liposuction, 10 months later - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  2. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of left calf and ankle (cankle) liposuction, 7 months later - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  3. Pingback: Patient No. 526, Session 3: Right arm and right thigh liposuction - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  4. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of right and left arms liposuction, 3 and 10 months later - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  5. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of right and left thighs liposuction, 3 months and 1 year later - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  6. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of left calf and ankle (cankle) liposuction, 10 months later - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  7. Pingback: Patient No. 526, Session 4: Abdominal liposuction - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  8. Pingback: Patient No. 526: Result of left thigh liposuction, 3 months later: a perfect case to show exercise and diet cannot spot reduce - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  9. Pingback: Patient No. 526, Session 2: Left calf and ankle (cankle) liposuction - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

  10. Pingback: Patient No. 526, Session 1: 3D thunder thighs liposuction - L’Élixir de Vie, by Arthur Tjandra (曾华浚), M.D., FICS (Plastic Surgery)

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